Xin Fin, Global Disruption in Global Trade

While the idea of cryptocurrencies were created with the ethos of decentralization & anonymity. The underlying technology of blockchain and distributed ledgers have seen massive interest due to enhanced utility and global business application in our world.

What is Xin Fin?

Xin Fin (Exchange Infinite) is a third generation Layer 1 blockchain network and built with the intentions of enterprise usecases, specifically international trade & finance as it has been working behind the scenes with the regulatory side of these sectors. Xin Fin is able to build there application to cater towards the enterprise & institution side of this market thanks to their unique hybrid protocol.

By offering the best of both worlds, the transparency of a public blockchains transactions, but also having the speed and security of a permissioned blockchain. With the public side of the network shared by all participants able to view basic transactions and data transparently, enterprises are also given the ability to build private applications on the network, where more sensitive data on these applications can be kept private from the rest of the participants.

Contrary to the ethos of crypto being anonymous and decentralized, to truly have blockchain applications to be utilized in the world of business…

